Dancing with the Gods Programme

This programme will leave you with the mindset, capability and tools to take your coaching to an altogether new level and create transformative shifts for your clients.

Dancing with the Gods

Dancing with the Gods Programme

This programme will leave you with the mindset, capability and tools to take your coaching to an altogether new level and create transformative shifts for your clients in the room itself.

About the Programme

For Coaches to transform the impossible!

We have all experienced the power of our True Self, our Being, the divinity within, at different moments in our lives. When we come from our true Being, beyond our ego & personality and connect to another’s Being, magic happens. As Coaches, you may have been touched by this during your coaching. If you haven’t yet, then this programme will surely provide you access to that fountain of incredible power within.

The Dancing with the Gods programme is all about grandly welcoming your true Being, and creating a friendship with it so powerful, that it will be here to stay forever. Not to mention, that it will give you the power to connect and bring forth the Being of another and play from this space.

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Programme Design

We have created a powerful framework which highlights the
importance of the ‘Being’ of the Coach and then dancing
between the Ego and Being to bring out the best in the
Client whilst using powerful coaching processes & tools.

There are two parts to the programme

The first part is to complete the Being Centred Leader Foundation Workshop which will give you the opportunity to experience the transformational power of paradigm shifting tools and get you in touch with the magic that this generates.

BThe second part is to complete the Dancing With The Gods Mastery Workshop. To get to the next level, you need to truly dance powerfully yourself. You would enable your client to dance in the moment and acquire new paradigms that can produce high impact. You master these, and then learn how to use them at an advanced level to create incredible transformative shifts in your client. The workshop provides you with hands-on training and practice to build this ability

Coaches who have 3-4 years coaching experience and ICF credentialed or equivalent preferred.


The Being Centred Leader Foundation Workshop

10 days

4 hours (5 - 9 pm IST) during the week and 7 hours (2 - 9 pm IST) on weekends

In this workshop, you first go through your own transformation as a human being and then as a coach. You take home a set of paradigm shifting tools, and are taught to apply these in your coaching sessions.

You will also get one-on-one coaching during the programme. There will be assignments every day for at least 2 hours.

  1. Understanding who you truly are (Ontological perspective)
  2. Understanding Vs Getting
  3. Listening to the Unsaid
  4. Figuring out your limiting beliefs, and how they control your life
  5. Figuring out who is in charge of your life
  6. Catharsis & letting go of your baggage and your past,
  7. Recognition of entitlement and moving past it
  8. Speaking into the listening of the Other
  9. Relationship Paradigms
  10. Enrollment Levels 1 & 2
  11. Managing Rejections
  12. Success & Failure Paradigms
  13. Integrity, walking your talk
  14. Come from Space
  15. Essence of Communication
  16. Uncovering your Purpose, walking on your Path

Creating space for a new journey of transformation to begin and putting down the foundation for the group to flourish

An internal journey of understanding oneself, cleaning up the past and experiencing one’s true self and practicing deep listening capabilities

Experiencing the various aspects of your Being and understanding what gives you joy and a sense of well being

Getting close to zero ego state and experiencing grace, humility and deep gratitude

Learning to listen deeply and truly acknowledging others

Shifting one’s perspectives and taking full ownership of one’s relationships & getting clarity on one’s passions

Cleaning up anger and anything that is holding oneself back and understanding what purpose truly is

Unravelling the key aspects of one’s purpose & getting to the essence of it

A rigorous journey of bringing alive one’s Being’s purpose

A powerful day of shaping one’s life & unleashing one’s leadership to embark on this wonderful journey of change

Virtual Workshop Dance with the gods

Dancing With the Gods Mastery Workshop

Virtual (Live)

6.5 days OVER 5 Weeks

7 hrs (10 am - 1.30 pm IST) and (4 pm - 7.30 pm IST)

You will also be provided supervision sessions to truly enhance and fine-tune your coaching using the DWTG model

  1. Wheel of Consciousness
  2. Transmitting Energy & Shifting States
  3. Powerful visualisations 
  4. Core Beliefs – Uncovering & then dealing with it
  5. Clearing Anger
  6. Trust & Catharsis
  7. Transformational Coaching
  8. Group Coaching
  9. Paradigm Creation
  10. Rights & entitlements
  11. Powerful Ways of Being
  12. Human Design – Underlying principle of us
  13. Develop Gratitude 
  14. New ways to create Partnerships
  15. Handling Conflict
  16. Working with the being
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What do you get from this programme?

For your own growth

  • You will tap into your Being and relate to another’s Being and bring forth the power. Your true presence will expand.
  • You will become effective at dancing between the two – your ego & your Being
  • You will be able to listen very deeply to what is happening within you & in another. You will become incredibly self-aware & fully present.
  • You will discover your Life’s Purpose. Once you do, you will have the energy and courage to grow your business ten-fold. You will be unstoppable.
  • You will communicate with tremendous clarity and people will get what you have to say deeply. You will inspire others.

What will you get from the programme to enhance your coaching excellence?

  • You will master the ability to create paradigm shifts, and are provided ready-to-use paradigms that create deep transformation
  • You will learn to facilitate the client into experiencing a newer improved reality, a deep internalised realisation of a new and fresh way to the apparent complexity of their situation
  • You will learn to create ‘shifts’ in one’s beliefs that allow an altogether different way of being. Such deep shifts at a Being level will allow your client to see things more-or-less intuitively with total ownership.

Upcoming Workshops

To be announced soon!

Recently Completed Workshops

Dancing With The Gods Mastery Workshop Part 1: 10th – 12th January, 2022

Dancing With The Gods Mastery Workshop Part 2: 24th – 25th January, 2022

Dancing With The Gods Mastery Workshop Part 3: 1st – 2nd February, 2022



Values payable in GBP. Indian Residents are entitled to a special price in INR. Please select the appropriate tab

Your coach transformation is guaranteed and we offer a 100% Money-back Guarantee, no questions asked on the last day of the workshop.

If you are financially constrained, there are scholarships and instalment plans available.
Please send us an email at contact@impossibletransformations.com

Need more clarity? Drop us a message and we will get back to you soon!

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