Discovering Your Path

This is an intense and experiential programme, designed to provide a specific direction, a purpose for one’s life, through a much clearer understanding of life, its fundamentals - so that life is truly meaningful, rich & deeply fulfilling.

Discover your Path - Personality Development Programme

Discovering Your Path

This is an intense and experiential programme, designed to provide a specific direction, a purpose for one’s life, through a much clearer understanding of life, its fundamentals - so that life is truly meaningful, rich & deeply fulfilling.

About the Programme

This is an intense and experiential programme, designed to provide a specific direction, a purpose for one’s life, through a much clearer understanding of life, its fundamentals – so that life is truly meaningful, rich & deeply fulfilling.

It will enable you to become powerful at

Determining what is truly important in your life, and building your life around what really counts – not being driven constantly to act, react to pressures of any kind.

Designing your own life, and not being controlled by circumstances.

Developing Relationships where you can relate to your loved ones intimately, and be able to make any relationship beautiful, warm and loving.   

Intricately  balancing issues that pull you apart – career v/s family,  personal needs v/s life partner’s needs, chasing money/success vs chasing what you love to do

Recognising that to live a life with meaning in it, there must be a worthwhile purpose, and discovering that Purpose of one’s life, one that “turns you on” and inspires you.

Who should do this Programme?

Graduates & Post-graduates, who wish to find a direction in their lives, so that they can structure their careers, aligned to their life’s true Purpose.

Young people who want to live a life of true balance – between their work & personal lives, their needs & desires, their passions and purpose.

Young people deeply interested in personal growth & transformation and who wish to evolve.

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What happens in the programme?

In the virtual 10 day part time programme, a group of 5-20 persons will work intensively in first getting their fundamentals clear.  Some of the questions which are addressed :

Who am  I really ?  Why am I here?

What gives me tremendous joy?   What kind of life will fulfil me?

How can I live fully & powerfully ?  Without being stopped by circumstances ?

How can I uncover my greatness and potential, in very real ways?

How can I throw away the shackles of my past, reinvent myself from now?

How can I have profound relationships in my personal life, and also have powerful ways of relating in my work life?

How can I go beyond my limiting beliefs, and why do they exist?

What is the true Purpose of my life ?

Now that I have clarity in my life, a clear direction ahead, what are my best choices?

How do I get prepared for the future in practical terms as well?

Virtual Programme

10 Day Part Time Online Workshop

day 1

A New Journey Begins

Creating space for a new journey of transformation to begin and putting down the foundation for the group to flourish

day 2

Discovering Oneself

An internal journey of understanding oneself, cleaning up the past and experiencing one’s true self and practicing deep listening capabilities

day 3

Bringing Your Being Alive

Experiencing the various aspects of your Being and understanding what gives you joy and a sense of well being

day 4

Rising Beyond One's Ego

Getting close to zero ego state and experiencing grace, humility and deep gratitude

day 5

Being Totally Present

Learning to listen deeply and truly acknowledging others

day 6

Understanding Relationships and Passion

Shifting one’s perspectives and taking full ownership of one’s relationships & getting clarity on one’s passions

day 7

Creating a Clean Slate

Cleaning up anger and anything that is holding oneself back and understanding what purpose truly is

day 8

Uncovering One's Purpose

Unravelling the key aspects of one’s purpose & getting to the essence of it

day 9

Generating One's Purpose

A rigorous journey of bringing alive one’s Being’s purpose

day 10

Shaping One's Life

Bringing it all together to engage in the world anew

Fundamental concepts you will find in the programme: 

Importance of speaking and listening

Our feelings, reactions & responses to situations & other people.

The Power of one’s Word.

Making a difference in this world in this lifetime. Sharing our life.

The different paradigms that control a relationship.  Falling in & out of love phenomenon.

Accepting rejection with ease, without being invalidated.

The different paradigms that control a relationship.  Falling in & out of love phenomenon.
The irony and importance of failure & success.  Achievements and accomplishments.

How to say “No” when you want to say “No”.  And how to accept a “No” with ease.

How can we respond to any situation rather than react ?

The sheer power of true acknowledgement.

Creating a Future, inventing it, generating it, not just letting it happen.

Guest interactions with current and former CEO’s / CXO’s of companies to get a sense of their life journeys.

Upcoming Workshops

To be announced soon!


Values payable in GBP. Indian Residents are entitled to a special price in INR. Please select the appropriate tab

When you register, one Village Leader is registered for free.

If you are financially constrained, there are scholarships and instalment plans available. Please send us an email at

Need further clarity? Drop us a message and we will get back to you soon!

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