We believe that transformation is a continuous journey.
Therefore, to enable your leaders to embark on this incredible journey, we have designed a powerful and purposeful transformational six month leadership journey. The Being Centred Leader journey includes the Foundation workshop, Advanced workshop, monthly Unstoppable Me group sessions and 24 week self paced learning series.
The core of this journey is to enable each leader to experience their Being and operate from this new space, discover the true purpose of their life, and align their work to this purpose, with an assured sense of fulfilment.
We do this through;
An internal journey of understanding oneself, cleaning up the past and experiencing one’s true self and practicing deep listening
Experiencing the various aspects of your Being and understanding what gives you joy and sense of well being
A rigorous journey of bringing alive one’s Being’s purpose
A powerful day of designing one’s purpose and unleashing one’s leadership to embark on this wonderful journey of change
Stepping into your leadership that comes from your Being and allows you to be powerful in everyday life
Tools and capabilities that empower you as a leader to dance beautifully between your ego and your Being
As you tap into the essence of your Being and fully express your greatness as a leader, you will find grace flowing through you
Being on the journey of unstoppability by applying in simple and practical ways all the paradigms learnt so that one can lead powerfully and consciously and make one’s visions and dreams a reality.
Creating space for a new journey of transformation to begin and putting down the foundation for the group to flourish
An internal journey of understanding oneself, cleaning up the past and experiencing one’s true self and practicing deep listening capabilities
Experiencing the various aspects of your Being and understanding what gives you joy and a sense of well being
Getting close to zero ego state and experiencing grace, humility and deep gratitude
Learning to listen deeply and truly acknowledging others
Shifting one’s perspectives and taking full ownership of one’s relationships & getting clarity on one’s passions
Cleaning up anger and anything that is holding oneself back and understanding what purpose truly is
Unravelling the key aspects of one’s purpose & getting to the essence of it
A rigorous journey of bringing alive one’s Being’s purpose
A powerful day of designing one’s project & unleashing one’s leadership to embark on this wonderful journey of change
Not being stopped by any internal aspects or external situations and constantly keeping everything moving towards one’s dreams
Consciously moving from your personality and ego towards your Being is a dance that needs to be played
Expanding on your vision and bringing it alive by leveraging everything and everyone you know
Building the capacity to play way beyond anything you have done before and creating a pathway to play big
Developing new ways of partnering which enriches everyone and enables you to achieve your vision
Making a commitment to be a Mission Impossible Leader true to your purpose
Understanding the power within, and having clarity on what to make happen in the world with complete humility and service, is a life well lived
Being on the journey of unstoppability by applying in simple and practical ways all the paradigms learnt so that one can lead powerfully and consciously and make one’s visions and dreams a reality.
The Unstoppable Me Series will enable you to live the paradigms you got in the Foundation workshop powerfully. While you may already be doing so to an extent, this series will allow you to deepen your understanding and completely immerse yourself in this way of Being allowing you to become truly unstoppable. There are 2 parts to the Unstoppable Me Series:
The Zoom sessions will be facilitated by two of our Sorcerers and they will engage with you throughout the 6 months to support you through this journey.
Zion Hills, Bangalore
Zion Hills, Bangalore
Zion Hills, Bangalore
Zion Hills, Bangalore
The Being Centred Leader Foundation Workshop (Residential) – 20 – 23 February, Delhi
The Being Centred Leader Foundation Workshop (Residential) – 16 – 19 January, Bangalore
The Being Centred Leader Foundation Workshop (Residential) – 11 – 14 July 2024, Bangalore
The Being Centred Leader Foundation Workshop (Residential) – 27 – 30 June 2024, Pune
The Being Centred Leader Foundation Workshop (Residential) – 27 – 30 June 2024, Delhi
The Being Centred Leader Foundation Workshop (Residential) – 20 – 23 June 2024, Auroville
The Being Centred Leader Foundation Workshop (Residential) – 20 – 23 June 2024, Bangalore
The Being Centred Leader Advanced Workshop (Residential) – 17 – 19 May 2024, Bangalore
The Being Centred Leader Advanced Workshop (Residential) – 23 – 25 February 2024, Bangalore
The Being Centred Leader Foundation Workshop (Residential) – 8 – 11 February 2024, Bangalore
Values payable in GBP. Indian Residents are entitled to a special price in INR. Please select the appropriate tab
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