Photo of Susenha Patil who is a being centred leader and being centred coac

Susneha Patil

The purpose of my life is to nurture every being for their fulfilment, so that they experience the abundant joy that fills their hearts and lives.

जोपासना प्रत्येकाची व्हावी त्यांच्या पूर्णतेसाठी,

आनंदाचा वाहिल झरा हृदयी त्यांच्या ठायी ठायी,

इतिपूर्ती होईल माझीही याची देही…

Susneha is a seasoned IT professional with nearly two decades of experience in Delivery, Management, Consulting, Coaching and Digital Transformations. Through her career she has built and coached several highly effective teams and leaders from across the geography. Building excellent Teams and coaching NextGen Leaders are her passions.

She is a Computer Science Post Graduate from University of Pune, a lifelong learner and seeker at the heart. She’s an active volunteer with Tej Gyan Foundation – A spiritual NGO that is aimed for creating Highly evolved Society. She’s on the mission of increasing the happiness index of the planet and aims to touch 1 million lives on her endeavour.

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