For decades or rather for many centuries, we have admired the minds and intellect of people. The geniuses, the innovators & the pioneers are the ones we have idolised and still do so. We have built many of our institutions to foster that kind of intellect which creates, invents, and develops mankind. I was part of this game and played it out fully for the first half of my life. I was ambitious, I was breaking norms, studying hard, working hard, getting somewhere on the career ladder, earning more and then some more, and then found that it wasn’t fulfilling and felt that there must be more to life than this.
This is when my life directed me to journey within. Going within was difficult for me, as my intellect and mind were so strong and would resist any other school of thought. If I went within, my mind didn’t have control of that realm and it wanted to understand and manage the inner dialogue. It also felt very right about how this is not the way to live one’s life. Going within also required me to give up my status, my arrogance about who I had become (the one with top notch qualifications from great institutions & experience from great companies), the way I looked at others and engaged or didn’t engage with them based on how important I considered them in my life. My mind limited the way I experienced life. My intellect could only take me so far.
As I threw myself into this new world, I ended up after almost 15 years into this immaterial but subtly present world of the Being. This part of me, which has always existed came alive and I began to experience life very differently.
There was flow in how my day unfolded.
There was joy in every little thing I did.
Aspirations and desires came from deep within and the pathway also presented itself.

I became more aware of who I was Being and the doing happened from this space.
My purpose was so clear and called me to move in a particular direction.
Most days my Being was in the forefront and the mind followed.
I had a sense of abundance and a knowing that anything is possible.
A lot got created and accomplished but I didn’t feel it was me.
I saw others as beautiful Beings and easily connected to every person I met and came across.
Coming together with others became seamless and so enriching.
I danced between my ego and my Being and enjoyed this dance.
I did lead as I stood for something and at the same time I didn’t lead.
Being in this world and experiencing it this way has been so joyful and deeply rich.
What a beautiful way to live and lead one’s life!